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How Dangerous Is Bluetooth Radiation?

Martes 4 de junio de 2024 · 4562 lecturas


Bluetooth radiation has historically received less attention than cell phone radiation. This oversight has led many "experts" to claim its safety based on the lack of definitive studies proving otherwise. However, recent research is changing this narrative, revealing potential health risks associated with Bluetooth EMF (electromagnetic fields).

In a shocking turn of events, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) announced in 2024 that it is halting its wireless radiation research after finding clear evidence of cancer in its studies. This development raises significant concerns about the safety of Bluetooth radiation and calls for a reevaluation of our exposure to this ubiquitous technology.

Regulatory agencies often point to the non-ionizing nature of Bluetooth radiation as evidence of its safety. However, substantial evidence suggests otherwise. Emerging research indicates that it is not just the heating effects of microwave radiation but also non-thermal effects that can cause biological harm. This includes disruptions to cellular processes and increased oxidative stress, which can lead to significant health risks.

The "official" stance that radiation from Bluetooth headsets and other devices is too low to be considered dangerous is increasingly being challenged. This perspective is flawed, as microwave radiation is transmitted directly against the body for extended periods, especially with devices like Bluetooth headsets that are often used continuously throughout the day. Moreover, studies on radiofrequency radiation (RFR) at very low RF intensities have demonstrated adverse biological effects, contradicting the claims of safety.

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