Nota de prensa 24 de junio: Día Internacional contra la Contaminación Electromagnética
1.000 organizaciones piden una moratoria del 5G
· La Coordinadora Estatal por la Moratoria del 5G, de la que forma parte Ecologistas en Acción, apoya las diferentes convocatorias que tendrán lugar a favor de la moratoria de esta tecnología con motivo del 24 de junio, y recuerda las alertas tempranas recibidas desde ámbitos científicos e institucionales. · Casi 1.000 organizaciones apoyan una (…)
Portada del sitio > Declaraciones
Nota de prensa 24 de junio: Día Internacional contra la Contaminación Electromagnética
23 de junio de 2021 · 488 lecturas -
2020 Consensus Statement of UK and International Medical and Scientific Experts and Practitioners on Health Effects of Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR)
11 de noviembre de 2020 · 2091 lecturas2020 Consensus Statement of UK and International Medical and Scientific Experts and Practitioners on Health Effects of Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR)
Please read and consider signing this statement which has been written to support individuals globally who wish for better protection from the escalating radiofequency radiation exposures. Concerned citizens can sign, and especially circulate this to medical doctors and scientists to sign in joining our consensus.
Read and sign: (…) -
Lésions de l’ADN, cancers du cerveau : 434 médecins et 900 professionnels de la santé belges sonnent l"™alerte sur la 5G / 434 médicos y 900 profesionales de la salud belgas hacen sonar la alerta con el 5G
3 de mayo de 2020 · 1457 lecturasLésions de l’ADN, cancers du cerveau : 434 médecins et 900 professionnels de la santé belges sonnent l"alerte sur la 5G Une opinion signée par 434 médecins belges et 900 professionnels de la santé (voir la liste des signataires au bas de l’article).
Ver también:
Face au déploiement massif et inconsidéré des technologies sans fil, nous, professionnels de la santé, demandons au gouvernement de faire appliquer le principe de précaution afin de (…) -
Medical doctors and psychotherapists from Germany: We claim that there is a connection between mobile phone technology, weakness of immune system and the devastating Corona virus and call for a reduction of the RF burden.
22 de abril de 2020 · 13458 lecturasIn Germany, a group of medical doctors and psychotherapists wrote an open letter to the Chancellor and ministers of the federal government.
"We claim that there is a connection between mobile phone technology, weakness of immune system and the devastating Corona virus and call for a reduction of the RF burden".
Open Letter to the Chancellor We doctors and psychotherapists oriented towards environmental medicine see a connection between radio interference, immunodeficiency and global (…) -
Hippocrates "‹Electrosmog Appeal Belgium
4 de noviembre de 2019 · 675 lecturasElectrosmog Appeal Belgium
Face au déploiement massif et inconsidéré des technologies sans fil, nous, professionnels de la santé, demandons au gouvernement de faire appliquer le principe de précaution afin de protéger la population et plus particulií¨rement les groupes les plus vulnérables dont font partie, notamment, les femmes enceintes et les enfants.
Le Texte
"Hippocrates "‹Electrosmog Appeal Belgium"
"‹ A l"aube du déploiement de la 5G, des professionnels de la santé belges (…) -
Llamamiento internacional para detener la implantación de la red 5G en la Tierra y en el espacio
17 de diciembre de 2018 · 1612 lecturasLlamamiento internacional para detener la implantación de la red 5G en la Tierra y en el espacio
Versión española: -
NUEVO LLAMAMIENTO CIENTí FICO INTERNACIONAL: Científicos y médicos advierten de posibles efectos graves en la salud de las redes 5G
14 de septiembre de 2017 · 1668 lecturasVer el nuevo Llamamiento Científico Internacional en el pdf adjunto
International Scientific Declaration on Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
7 de septiembre de 2015 · 1020 lecturasPRESS RELEASE International Scientific Declaration on Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity International Scientific Declaration on EHS & MCS Brussels 2015 The WHO is invited by scientists to recognize Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) as genuine pathological entities including them in the International Classification of Diseases Paris, September 4th 2015, Following the fifth Paris Appeal congress, which took place on the 18th of (…)
24 de abril de 2013 · 1037 lecturasRESOLUTION ON THE RADAR OF POTENZA PICENA, ITALY 20th April 2013 The international congress “Radar, radiofrequency and health risk”, which is held today Saturday, April 20th, 2013 in Potenza Picena, Macerata, Italy, found out several scientific findings regarding the radar placed in Potenza Picena: an alteration of the cell viability in cultured cells exposed to the radar signal under controlled conditions (in a Tem cell), with the activation of apoptosis in a short term exposure and with (…)
International Doctor’s Appeal 2012 - 10 Years after Freiburg Appeal: Wireless radiation poses a health risk. Physicians demand precaution now.
12 de junio de 2012 · 46780 lecturasInternational Doctor’s Appeal 2012 - 10 Years after Freiburg Appeal: Wireless radiation poses a health risk. Physicians demand precaution now. More than 1000 physicians signed the “Freiburg Appeal” in 2002. It was translated into many languages. As many as 36,000 people from all over the world support its warning about the dangers of wireless radiation. Today-ten years later-we as physicians call again on the international community. We are deeply concerned. Despite all warnings, more and (…)