Portada del sitio > Electrosensibilidad > Electromagnetic fields disease (Radiofrequency radiation disease)

Electromagnetic fields disease (Radiofrequency radiation disease)

Domingo 16 de julio de 2023 · 370 lecturas


In Memoriam, Dr. William J. Rea

Dr. Carlos Sosa M.D.
Dr. Pedro Sierra M.D.

The toxic nature of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of electrical voltages, radiofrequencies and microwaves is a clearly established fact in the international medical literature, accumulated over the last 250 years. There is a causal relationship between the exposure to EMFs and a broad spectrum of multisystemic diseases and dysfunctions that complies with the epidemiological postulates of medical causation of Koch-Henle, the Bradford Hill and Susser criteria. For several decades now, the explosion of wireless technologies has been creating a serious medical problem in which Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) and Dysautonomia stand out because of their rising incidence. It"s urgent that the medical profession becomes aware of the clinical and pathophysiological implications of the irradiation of the child with EMFs and the consequent deleterious effects on pediatric health, the gestational neurological alteration and the cognitive dysfunction during the school age.

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Electromagnetic fields disease (Radiofrequency radiation disease). Carlos Sosa M.D. Dr. Pedro Sierra M.D.

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