Portada del sitio > Sitios web sobre telefonía móvil y salud > Stop UMTS recopilación y publica información Paises Bajos
Effects of light, electromagnetic fields and water on biological rhythms
21 de diciembre de 2024zaterdag, 21 december 2024, Artikelen Source: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2319417024001276?via%3Dihub Biomedical Journal Available online 12 December 2024, 100824 Jan Martel a, Nicolas Rouleau b c, Nirosha J. Murugan b, Wei-Chun Chin d, David M. Ojcius a e f, John D. Young g a (…) -
The roles of intensity, exposure duration, and modulation on the biological effects of RFR
20 de diciembre de 2024vrijdag, 20 december 2024, Artikelen Lai, H., & Levitt, B. B. (2022). The roles of intensity, exposure duration, and modulation on the biological effects of radiofrequency radiation and exposure guidelines. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 41(2), 230–255. (…) -
Electromagnetic Fields, Radiation and Health. Overview
20 de diciembre de 2024dinsdag, 24 december 2024, Artikelen Publications and Interview on man-made electromagnetic fields, radiation and health, mainly taken from Linkedin.com and from Stopumts.nl; Leendert Vriens, physicist, retired Research Fellow Philips Research, webmaster Stopumts.nl 1..Man-made electromagnetic (…) -
Costa Rica Criminally Sues Huawei For Major 5g International Crimes
18 de diciembre de 2024woensdag, 18 december 2024, Juridische Informatie Costa Rica Criminally Sues Huawei For Major 5g International Crimes After Debates Over National Security And The Global Implications Of 5G Technology! Source: interestofjustice.substack.com/p/costa-rica-criminally-sues-huawei Dec. 18, 2024 The (…) -
7 punten uit 520 paginas tellende rapport over de COVID-pandemie en ...
7 de diciembre de 2024zaterdag, 07 december 2024, Berichten Internationaal 7 punten uit 520 pagina’s tellende rapport over de COVID-pandemie en de reactie van de Amerikaanse overheid 6 dec. 2024 Het eindrapport van de Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic van het Amerikaanse Huis van Afgevaardigden, dat (…)