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Asociación Vallisoletana de Afectad@s por las Antenas de Telecomunicaciones - AVAATE

Portada del sitio > Prensa > Do you think wi-fi’s affecting your health? Have you suffered headaches, (...)

BBC News Monday, 15 January 2007,

Do you think wi-fi’s affecting your health? Have you suffered headaches, problems with your eyesight, in fact any ill effects since installing wi-fi into your home or office?

Sábado 20 de enero de 2007 · 1420 lecturas

BBC News Monday, 15 January 2007, 16:00 GMT

Do you think wi-fi’s affecting your health?

Have you suffered headaches, problems with your eyesight, in fact any ill effects since installing wi-fi into your home or office?

There is absolutely no evidence that wireless networks are bad for your health but a growing number of people are complaining about health problems the moment they step into a wireless field.

(AVAATE there is evidence that wireless networks are bad for the health.)

One MP has already called for an inquiry, while some schools have taken out wi-fi.

BBC Breakfast is interested in talking to anyone who has suffered problems, or who works somewhere that has stopped using the system.

Send us your experiences using the form below. If you are happy to speak to us further, please include a contact telephone number.

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