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Asociación Vallisoletana de Afectad@s por las Antenas de Telecomunicaciones - AVAATE

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Dr. Martin Blank, 1933-2018 Courageous Researcher: A Visionary with Fearless Honesty

Viernes 27 de julio de 2018 · 617 lecturas

Dr. Martin Blank, 1933-2018 Courageous Researcher: A Visionary with Fearless Honesty

Martin Blank Ph.D., died on June 13, 2018. Friend, colleague, mentor, visionary, exacting researcher, courageous inspiration. Dr. Blank was admired in academia, government, industry and activist circles for fearless honesty and ability to explain complex cellular bioelectromagnetics with accompanying environmental effects on tech-loving societies. Long-time faculty at the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University, New York, he was a principled, respected in-fighter in professional circles. Dr. Blank served at high organizational levels on many important regulatory entities throughout the United States and Europe. His research focused on the biophysics of membrane transport and electrochemistry of proteins. He established that living DNA can act as a fractal antenna, with very low-intensity nonionizing radiation — endemic to all wireless technology and powerline transmission — capable of producing heat shock proteins and cellular stress, resulting in cascading negative effects throughout the biome across species.

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Desde AVAATE lamentamos profundamente la muerte del Dr. Martin Blank y, siguiendo su ejemplo, seguiremos trabajando en su memoria.