Significant increase in nose-ear-throat cancers seen in Israel June 2, 2014 in -Mailing List, Cell phone news, Miscellaneous by EMFactsTranslation from Iris Atzmon in Israel
Within 1 year only: nose-ear-throat surgeries in Rambam hospital increased in 100%
More than 2000 surgeries were done during 2013 in the nose-ear-throat department in Rambam, 2 fold more compared to the previous year
By Doron Solomon
The number of head, neck, and nose-ear-throat surgeries in Rambam were doubled (…)
C/ Andrés de la Orden 8. 47003 Valladolid (SPAIN) Nº Registro. Nacional: 608.025. Municipal: 729 |
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Significant increase in nose-ear-throat cancers seen in Israel
2 de junio de 2014 · 472 lecturas -
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Susan D. Foster, MSW: SCENIHR Preliminary Report on Potential Health Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields
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Hablar más de 15 horas al mes por el móvil nos puede costar un cáncer de cerebro
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