French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety
News of 21/06/2019
Today, ANSES is publishing a new expert appraisal on the health effects associated with exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields. In view of the data available, the Agency is reiterating its 2010 conclusions on the possible association between exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields and the long-term risk of childhood leukaemia. It is also restating its recommendation not to (…)
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French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety: Health effects associated with exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields
26 de junio de 2019 · 15068 lecturas -
Ecologistas en Acción alerta ante el despliegue del 5G
22 de junio de 2019 · 8032 lecturas19 de junio de 2019
Alerta ante el despliegue del 5G
· Ecologistas en Acción alerta de que el despliegue de la tecnología 5G se está haciendo sin evaluar sus posibles efectos sanitarios y ambientales, a pesar de los contundentes y numerosos llamamientos científicos a aplicar el principio de precaución.
· No se ha realizado la evaluación de impacto sobre la salud que exige la Ley de Salud Pública, y sin que se haya puesto en marcha el Comité de Radiofrecuencias y Salud recogido en (…) -
Suiza bloquea el despliegue de la telefonía 5G hasta que se demuestre su seguridad
14 de junio de 2019 · 507 lecturasSuiza bloquea el despliegue de la telefonía 5G hasta que se demuestre su seguridad
Ginebra y algunos cantones suizos no permitirán nuevas antenas hasta que se precise el impacto que este tipo de instalaciones tienen en la salud pública
Personas con electrosensibilidad y detractores de las ondas electromagnéticas han cantado victoria esta semana en los cantones suizos de Ginebra (GE),Vaud (…) -
Colorectal Cancer Soaring in Young Adults; Are Smartphones in the Mix?
8 de junio de 2019 · 5391 lecturasColorectal Cancer Soaring in Young Adults; Are Smartphones in the Mix?
Epidemiologist De-Kun Li Wants To Know
June 3, 2019 De-Kun Li wants to change the conversation on cell phones and cancer. Li, a senior epidemiologist and veteran EMF researcher, believes that brain tumors have been getting too much attention at the expense of other types of cancer, notably colorectal cancer.
Efforts to reduce colon and rectal cancers have been a striking success story for those over 50 years old. (…) -
Alarming Decline in Millennials"™ Health
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Millennials — the first generation to grow up using cell phones — are experiencing an unprecedented decline in their health when they reach their late 20s.
On April 24, 2019, the American health insurance association Blue Cross Blue Shield released a report titled "The Health of Millennials." It showed not only that the health of this generation takes a sharp decline beginning at age 27, but also that the prevalence of many medical conditions rose (…) -
It"™s 3 a.m. Do you know what your iPhone is doing?
30 de mayo de 2019 · 937 lecturasIt"s 3 a.m. Do you know what your iPhone is doing?
29 MAY 19
From the Washington Post (Consumer Tech section)
Apple says, "What happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone." Our privacy experiment showed 5,400 hidden app trackers guzzled our data "” in a single week. Geoffrey A. Fowler Technology columnist based in San Francisco May 28 at 8:00 AM It"s 3 a.m. Do you know what your iPhone is doing? (Links removed) Mine has been alarmingly busy. Even though the screen is off and I"m (…) -
Smart nappies will save you from getting poo on your finger
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While searching through the Internet for absolutely unnecessary and possibly dangerous "smart" devices that will be part of the Internet of Things (IoT) I came across this great example. No longer will you have to risk getting nasty baby poo on your fingers when you check to see if your baby has done a dump. Just wait for the message on your smart phone! Note where the bluetooth transmitter is placed. As the old saying goes a (…) -
Aunque se quiera ocultar, miles de estudios señalan problemas de salud ligados a las telecomunicaciones inalámbricas
21 de mayo de 2019 · 18483 lecturasAunque se quiera ocultar, miles de estudios señalan problemas de salud ligados a las telecomunicaciones inalámbricas
Este artículo forma parte de un debate entre Esther Samper y Ecologistas en Acción Habiendo miles de estudios que encuentran efectos biológicos adversos provocados por los campos electromagnéticos de las telecomunicaciones, las investigaciones que no los encuentran se vuelven irrelevantes Las investigaciones patrocinadas por la industria nunca encuentran efectos biológicos (…) -
NOAA/LOCKHEED MARTIN IF YOU HAD a choice between a better, faster cell phone signal and an accurate weather forecast, which would you pick? That"s the question facing federal officials as they decide whether to auction off more of the wireless spectrum or heed meteorologists who say that such a move could throw US weather forecasting into chaos.
On Capitol Hill Thursday, NOAA"s (…) -
Film: Generation Zapped
18 de mayo de 2019 · 272 lecturas