Mobile Phone Use and Risk of Tumors: A Meta-Analysis
Case-control studies have reported inconsistent findings regarding the association between mobile phone use and tumor risk. We investigated these associations using a meta-analysis.
We searched MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library in August 2008. Two evaluators independently reviewed and selected articles based on predetermined selection criteria.
Of 465 articles meeting (…)
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Mobile Phone Use and Risk of Tumors: A Meta-Analysis: "In sum, in our meta-analyses of case-control studies, we found evidence linking mobile phone use to an increased risk of tumors, especially among users of 10 or more years".
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Reduce Radio Wave Exposure, Warns French Government Agency
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Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:10 AM PDT A French government agency has warned that measures should be taken to reduce everyday exposure to radio signals — even though, it said, there is no definitive proof that such signals have a negative effect on human health.
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SUDÁFRICA: A South African researcher in the field of electromagnetic pollution, has warned Botswana against the health hazards posed by the mushrooming cellphone towers.
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A South African researcher in the field of electromagnetic pollution, has warned Botswana against the health hazards posed by the mushrooming cellphone towers.
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Analysis of cellphone studies finds tumor risk
14 de octubre de 2009 · 967 lecturasAnalysis of cellphone studies finds tumor risk Scientists looking at 23 studies involving almost 38,000 people initially see no connection. But a closer look at the highest-quality studies tells another story.
By Shari Roan October 14, 2009 E-mail Print Share Text Size
The answer to the question of whether cellphones increase the risk of brain, head and neck tumors is truly a matter of whom you ask.
An analysis published Tuesday of data from 23 epidemiological studies found no (…) -
PALENCIA: JOSÉ GALINDO VALIENTE: «La nueva ordenanza sólo se preocupa de esconder las antenas». «La gente debe conocer la realidad, porque hay muchos intereses creados que nos impiden conocerla. Las emisiones radioeléctricas son perjudiciales para la salud, y no lo digo yo, que soy un ’don nadie’, lo dicen muchos estudios científicos que demuestran que donde hay antenas los casos de cáncer se multiplican hasta por cuatro»
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13.10.09 - J. M. D. | PALENCIA
«En estos momentos, hay posibilidades técnicas para sacar todas las antenas de las zonas urbanas»José Galindo Valiente no se presenta a sí mismo como un experto en ondas electromagnéticas o antenas de telefonía móvil, sino como un simple ciudadano preocupado por la (…) -
Immunohistochemical Study of Postnatal Neurogenesis After Whole-body Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Evaluation of Age- and Dose-Related Changes in Rats
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(1) Institute of Neurobiology, Center of Excellence, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Šoltésovej 4, Košice, 040 01, Slovak Republic (2) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and (…) -
Francia, a un paso de prohibir los móviles en clase
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Francia, menores, teléfonos móviles
@Carlos Camino.- 10/10/2009
Imagen de un colegio francés (Reuters) Los móviles y sus politonos van camino de abandonar las aulas francesas. Al menos ese es el objetivo de la propuesta que pretende que estos aparatos se queden fuera de los recintos escolares, recientemente aprobada por el Senado francés, paso previo al visto bueno definitivo de la Cámara Baja. El motivo no es la violencia ni los (…) -
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Ver el artículo original en pdf -
French Senate wants cellphone ban for kids
9 de octubre de 2009 · 1104 lecturasFrench Senate wants cellphone ban for kids Last Updated: Thursday, October 8, 2009 | 10:37 AM ET
CBC News
France’s Senate wants to forbid children in primary and middle schools from using cellphones, amending a sweeping environment bill to include such a ban.
Senators added a line this week about cellphones to an article of the bill on exposure to communications equipment "posing a risk to health."
The measure would ban pupils up through about age 14 from using cellphones (…)