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Letter published in the journal gUmwelt ]Medizin ]Gesellschaft 2010 h, Heft 3 [Translation]

Personality changes caused by mobile telecommunications

Viernes 22 de abril de 2011 · 2208 lecturas

Letter published in the journal gUmwelt ]Medizin ]Gesellschaft
2010 h, Heft 3 [Translation]

By Dr. med. Christine Aschermann

Personality changes caused by mobile telecommunications

I would like to draw attention to an often ignored problem with mobile
telecommunications: the effects on the brain. Definition: According
to personal observations made in my practice, there has been an
increased occurrence of cognitive and psychological disorders with
exposure to telecommunications (see my article in UMG
Umwelt-Medizin-Gesellschaft [UMG 2004, 1]).

These include brain-malfunctions, so-called organic brain disturbances
or organic psycho-syndromes. The psycho-syndrome may occur either
acutely, or chronically, as a result of either direct brain damage [in
the case of brain- trauma or inflammation] or indirect brain damage
[e.g. hepatic coma]. They may be either reversible or irreversible.

Personality and character changes may develop gradually some years
after incurring brain damage. People with personality changes, e.g.
motorcyclists following brain-trauma or war veterans with
brain-damage, often have problems with social interactions because of
their non-conformity. In criminals, anatomical changes have been
found, especially in the frontal lobe area of the brain that is
responsible for impulse control and moral behaviour.

Early and later occurring organic brain symptoms:

The symptoms that were initially observed include: short-term memory
disorders, a new very severe form of concentration disorder where
people are totally unable to concentrate, amnesic aphasia (difficulty
finding words), parapraxia (carrying out inappropriate actions).

The accompanying irritability and mood swings are often wrongly
considered to be psychogenic. Further symptoms such as physical
weakness, sleep disturbances, lack of motivation or agitation are not
so easy to assess.

Now, after more than ten years have elapsed since mobile phones have
come into common use, I increasingly see people with personality
changes in my practice and surroundings. They display an absence of
flexibility extending as far as obstinacy, lack of judgement and
diminished self-criticism, fluctuating or distinctly reduced
effectiveness, fussiness, frequent inability to control emotions and
impulses or in the opposite direction insensitivity, together with an
intensification of character traits. Subtle mood swings, the sense of
ethical values can be lost. These symptoms are known from the
processes of brain ageing (inflammatory changes in the small cerebral
vessels, known as cerebrosclerosis).

Findings from studies and practice:

Rüdiger Maier (2001) proved experimentally that a short-term
radiation exposure from mobile telephones leads to discrimination
difficulties. (Discrimination as basis for cognitive processes).

Huber et al. (2002): Pulsed telecommunications alter the amplitude of
the alphawaves in the EEG, alter the onset of the deep-sleep phases
and, presumably, have an effect on the inner clock.

Landgrebe et al. (2007): In studies using transcranial magnetic
stimulation (TMS), reduced intracortical facilitation was found in
self-assessed electrosensitive people. Facilitation processes play a
fundamental role in memory and learning. Regrettably, long-term
studies of years f duration are not yet available.

Occasionally, brain abnormalities occurring in younger people were
reported to me that had been proven using computer tomogram or M.R.I.

In the results of a MRI brain scan carried out on a 43 year old female
patient from my own medical practice, it was reported that there was
signal enhancement both subcortically as well as over both cerebral
hemispheres of the brain.

There was a massive, occupational pre-exposure to chemicals as well as
two time periods that are temporally associated with DECT-telephone
usage. The patient presented with severe concentration disorders and
was agitated.

The M.R.I. findings for the patient fs brain remind one of research
carried out by Dr. Leif Salford and his images of rats f brains
following their exposure to mobile phones. Dr. Leif Salford describes
neuronal damage/destruction and the leakage of pathological proteins
[across the blood-brain barrier] into the brain after only two hours
exposure to the mobile phone emissions. Incidentally, I must briefly
mention the fact that these brain changes represent a catastrophe for
the people affected and our social system.

Recent observations in society

Since the year 2009, (after more than 10 years since mobile phones
came into common use and 2.5 years with digital television), I mainly
see patients with fatigue syndromes in my practice, regardless of
which symptoms, medical conditions and psychosocial problem they
consult me about. They often do not initially mention their
exhaustion at the beginning of the consultation and it is only when I
specifically ask them about this that I learn about their chronic

Teachers and employers complain about concentration disorders, reduced
learning capacity, increased mistakes, e.g. mathematics students who
are unable to do calculations without a calculator and who are
exhausted after an hour. Not infrequently, the authorities allow
mobile phone transmitters to be placed on the roof. I know a county
district office that has telecommunications antennae all over the
roof. What effect will this have on the quality of the work done
there, apart from the certainty that the employees will have increased
sickness. Then, the increase in aggressive behaviour must be
mentioned, in an extreme form, the rampages that were perpetrated in
recent years by young people in Japan, Germany, Finland, USA, and
recently by a taxi driver in England. A survey found that the young
people who run amok had previously attracted attention through their
excessive playing of games, the so-called ekillers games. The
games are very realistic, the firearm appears to be held in the
player fs hand. There can be no doubt about the brutalising effect
of such games.

What has not been considered so far in the accounts: the influence of
microwaves. The computer monitor in operating mode is already
transmitting high frequency radiation. There is also the radiation
emitted from W-LAN, Bluetooth, wireless operated mouse and other
wireless devices that are popular with young people. A DECT cordless
phone and mobile telephone are certainly also within easy reach for
use when multi-tasking. Perhaps, another telecommunications
transmitter - or radio/ television transmitter is located nearby. The
radiation emitted by all these appliances interferes with the normal
brain processes, predominantly the low frequency modulation.

We know from the research studies carried out since the 1950 fs by
the Russian and U.S. American Military that specific moods can be
evoked and manipulated. Thus, depressive states, fear, mania, pains,
lack of motivation, hallucinations are possible responses, depending
on the frequency, wave-forms and other characteristics of the

The more aggressive atmosphere in the workplace – it is alleged that
the stress has increased as a result of increased workload following
staff reduction, bullying etc. However, I personally consider
telecommunications to be one of the greatest stressors. (In this case
the evidence on the pituitary-adrenal cortex axis is sufficient,
failure of the body fs own regulatory mechanisms with energy

The increase of suicides: Last year, it was reported in the newspapers
that that a great number of eFrance Telecom f employees had
committed suicide. Recently, the electronics firm eFoxconn f in
China was affected by 10 suicides during the first 5 months of the
year. Following the introduction of TETRA into the Israeli army, a
series of young conscripted soldiers self-harmed. At the Siemens
office [a multi-storey house] in Munich, where the DECT-Telephone was
developed years ago, there were reports of people committing suicide
by falling from a height.

A new type of behavioural disorder has been found in Japanese young
people, the so-called Hikikomori. Japan is presently the most heavily
electronically equipped country in the world. It is almost always the
young men that are still living with their parents who are affected,
estimated 1 % of the population, who shut themselves off from family
and friends, retreat into their room, spend the night watching
television, listening to music or using the computer, sleeping during
the day (Reversal of the normal Sleep-Awake-Rhythm). The parents are
more or less powerless to do anything.
Is it a new form of addiction? In the meantime, social-educational aid
programmes are running that are similar to those used for helping

Paul Doyon, Professor of Psychology and Linguistics in Japan, depicts
how the strict social moral code, which places the gSaving of
Face h at its centre, is broken. Whilst previously family ties and
respect for the parents were considered important, today there is
extreme neglect of children by their parents, as well as the physical
abuse of parents by their children, extending as far as the killing
of the parents.

A comparison with Germany: in recent years there were several press
reports about murdered children found in the deep freezer, or,
increasingly, the abuse and neglect of children that also resulted in
death. What are the parents lacking that causes them to behave like
this? Instinct? Empathy?

Importance for the future of humanity

The brain is the organ that distinguishes the human race. It enables
its undisputed achievements in science, culture, philosophy and
religion. The question must be permitted: What will happen to the
human race, if the capacity for such achievements is lost as a result
of external influences - the constant radiation? I am a doctor who has
noticed the above-mentioned disorders early and I am convinced of the
link between these disorders and electromagnetic radiation.
Furthermore, how can we protect ourselves now, today, before it is too

Dr. med. Christine Aschermann Psychiatrist – Psychotherapy

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