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Asociación Vallisoletana de Afectad@s por las Antenas de Telecomunicaciones - AVAATE

Portada del sitio > Declaraciones > Carta abierta de varios médicos y expertos alemanes dirigida a la presidenta (...)

Carta abierta de varios médicos y expertos alemanes dirigida a la presidenta Ángela Merkel, contra el despliegue del WiMax en Alemania

"We are writing to you as medical doctors who have an obligation towards maintaining the wellbeing of the patients, just as you as the Federal Chancellor have an obligation to prevent damage to the German people."

Lunes 8 de enero de 2007 · 3249 lecturas

Carta abierta de varios médicos y expertos alemanes dirigida a la presidenta Ángela Merkel, contra el despliegue del WiMax en Alemania

"We are writing to you as medical doctors who have an obligation towards maintaining the wellbeing of the patients, just as you as the Federal Chancellor have an obligation to prevent damage to the German people."