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Asociación Vallisoletana de Afectad@s por las Antenas de Telecomunicaciones - AVAATE

Portada del sitio > Electrosensibilidad > Excelente entrevista al Doctor Hans Christoph Scheiner

Studies confirms Electrosensitivity. Victims who suffer from the ubiquitous radiation tell how they try to cope with it against all odds.

Excelente entrevista al Doctor Hans Christoph Scheiner

Dr. med. Hans Christoph Scheiner, a doctor specializing in environmental medicine, explains in this interview why the proof of this can no longer be swept under the carpet and it must finally be recognized

Viernes 31 de marzo de 2006 · 1629 lecturas

Mobile Telephony Madness Part II - Studies confirms Electrosensitivity
By Karl Trischberger, Lenggries

Those who suffer from the invisible radiation, which others do not notice, are quickly branded as a psychiatric case and not taken seriously. However, in the meantime there are increasing numbers of research studies that show that radiation, especially that from mobile telecommunications, can have harmful effects. Dr. med. Hans-Christoph Scheiner, a doctor specializing in environmental medicine, explains in this interview why the proof of this can no longer be swept under the carpet and it must finally be recognized. Also in Part II of this series, victims who suffer from the ubiquitous radiation tell how they try to cope with it against all odds.