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Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 49(10):1149-1156, October 2007.

Biomonitoring of Estrogen and Melatonin Metabolites Among Women Residing Near Radio and Television Broadcasting Transmitters.

Lunes 29 de octubre de 2007 · 2046 lecturas

Biomonitoring of Estrogen and Melatonin Metabolites Among Women Residing Near Radio and Television Broadcasting Transmitters.

Original Articles

Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 49(10):1149-1156, October 2007.
Clark, Maggie L. MS; Burch, James B. MS, PhD; Yost, Michael G. PhD; Zhai, Yusheng MS; Bachand, Annette M. PhD; Fitzpatrick, Cole T. E. MA; Ramaprasad, Jaya PhD; Cragin, Lori A. MS; Reif, John S. DVM
Objectives: Metabolites of estrogen (estrone-3-glucuronide [E1G]) and melatonin (6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate [6-OHMS]) were characterized among women living in a community with increased radiofrequency (RF) exposure from radio and television transmitters.

Methods: RF spot measurements, and personal 60-Hz magnetic field and residential parameters were collected. Overnight urine samples were assayed for E1G and 6-OHMS excretion.

Results: Among premenopausal women, there were no associations between RF or 60-Hz nonionizing radiation and E1G or 6-OHMS excretion. Among postmenopausal women, increased residential RF exposures, transmitter proximity and visibility, and temporally stable 60-Hz exposures were significantly associated with increased E1G excretion. This association was strongest among postmenopausal women with low overnight 6-OHMS levels.

Conclusions: RF and temporally stable 60-Hz exposures were associated with increased E1G excretion among postmenopausal women. Women with reduced nocturnal 6-OHMS excretion may represent a sensitive subgroup.

(C)2007The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

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