Evidence for a health risk by RF on humans living around mobile phone base stations: From radiofrequency sickness to cancer
Author A.Balmori
The objective of this work was to perform a complete review of the existing scientific literature to update the knowledge on the effects of base station antennas on humans. Studies performed in real urban conditions, with mobile phone base stations (…)
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Evidence for a health risk by RF on humans living around mobile phone base stations: From radiofrequency sickness to cancer
30 de noviembre de 2022 · 740 lecturas -
What is the radiation before 5G? A correlation study between measurements in situ and in real time and epidemiological indicators in Vallecas, Madrid
6 de abril de 2021 · 594 lecturasWhat is the radiation before 5G? A correlation study between measurements in situ and in real time and epidemiological indicators in Vallecas, Madrid
A B S T R A C T Background: Exposure of the general population to electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phone base stations is one of the greater concerns of residents affected by the proximity of these structures due to the possible relationship between radiated levels and health indicators. Objectives: This study aimed to find a (…) -
Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It
6 de abril de 2020 · 565 lecturasElectrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It
Dominique Belpomme 1,2,3,* and Philippe Irigaray 1,2
Abstract: Since 2009,webuiltupadatabasewhichpresentlyincludesmore than2000 electrohypersensitivity(EHS) and/or multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) self-reported cases. This database shows that EHS is associated in 30% of the cases with MCS, and that MCS precedes the occurrence of EHS in 37% of these (…) -
Nuevo libro: Meteoropatía y electrosensibilidad
27 de febrero de 2020 · 802 lecturasTítulo: Meteoropatía y electrosensibilidad. Subtítulo: Una explicación clara y rigurosa de los motivos de nuestra vulnerabilidad a los cambios de tiempo y a las radiaciones electromagnéticas.
Las radiaciones electromagnéticas procedentes de la atmósfera y la Tierra (radiaciones naturales) y las radiaciones tecnológicas artificiales interaccionan con nuestro organismo. Los profesionales de la salud conviven con situaciones de saturación de los servicios de urgencias que no se ajustan a (…) -
Esclerosis lateral amiotrófica y exposición residencial a radiaciones electromagnéticas GSM
3 de julio de 2019 · 450 lecturasResidential exposure to ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields emitted by Global System for Mobile (GSM) antennas and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis incidence: A geo-epidemiological population-based study
Jaime Lunaa,b, Jean-Philippe Leleua,b, Pierre-Marie Preuxa,b,c, Philippe Corciad, Philippe Couratiera,e, Benoit Marina,b,c, Farid Boumedienea,b,∗, Fralim Consortium (B. Marin, P. Couratier, P.M. Preux, F. Boumédiene, G. Lautrette, M. Penoty, M. Raymondeau-Moustafa) a INSERM, U1094, (…) -
Radio frequency radiation-related cancer: assessing causation in the occupational/military setting.
22 de febrero de 2018 · 437 lecturasRadio frequency radiation-related cancer: assessing causation in the occupational/military setting.
Abstract We reexamine whether radio frequency radiation (RFR) in the occupational and military settings is a human carcinogen.We extended an analysis of an already-reported case series of patients with cancer previously exposed to whole-body prolonged RFR, mainly from communication equipment and radar. We focused on hematolymphatic (HL) cancers. We used analysis by percentage frequency (PF) (…) -
Towards 5G communication systems: are there health implications?
11 de febrero de 2018 · 872 lecturasAbstract The spread of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) is rising and health effects are still under investigation. RF-EMF promote oxidative stress, a condition involved in cancer onset, in several acute and chronic diseases and in vascular homeostasis. Although some evidences are still controversial, the WHO IARC classified RF-EMF as "possible carcinogenic to humans" , and more recent studies suggested reproductive, metabolic and neurologic effects of RF-EMF, which are also (…)
Mobile phone use, school electromagnetic field levels and related symptoms: a cross-sectional survey among 2150 high school students in Izmir
6 de junio de 2017 · 6845 lecturasMobile phone use, school electromagnetic field levels and related symptoms: a cross-sectional survey among 2150 high school students in Izmir
Raika DurusoyEmail author, Hí¼r Hassoy, Ahmet í–zkurt and Ali Osman Karababa
Environmental Health201716:51
DOI: 10.1186/s12940-017-0257-x
© The Author(s). 2017
Health outcomes of electromagnetic fields (EMF) from mobile phones and their base stations are of concern. Conducting multidisciplinary research, targeting (…) -
Handheld screen time linked with speech delays in young children
10 de mayo de 2017 · 6997 lecturasHandheld screen time linked with speech delays in young children New research being presented at the 2017 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting suggests the more time children under 2 years old spend playing with smartphones, tablets and other handheld screens, the more likely they are to begin talking later Date: May 4, 2017 Source: American Academy of Pediatrics Summary: As the number of smart phones, tablets, electronic games and other handheld screens in US homes continues to grow, some (…)
My life has become a major distraction from my cell phone: Partner phubbing and relationship satisfaction among romantic partners
2 de octubre de 2015 · 1579 lecturasComputers in Human Behavior Volume 54, January 2016, Pages 134"141
My life has become a major distraction from my cell phone: Partner phubbing and relationship satisfaction among romantic partners
James A. Roberts, , Meredith E. David doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.07.058
Highlights "¢ A valid scale of partner phubbing (Pphubbing) was developed. "¢ Pphubbing was found to have a negative impact on relationship satisfaction. "¢ Cell phone conflict mediated the impact of Pphubbing on (…)