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Reino Unido: INVITATION to Important scientist’s talk at House of Commons on dangers from phone masts

Martes 6 de febrero de 2007 · 1286 lecturas

INVITATION to Important scientist’s talk at House of Commons on dangers from phone masts

House of Commons - 22nd February, Committee Room 9 from 3-4pm.

There is an opportunity to hear American scientist Dr Carlo, one of the many leading scientists speaking on the dangers of microwave radiation emitted by phone masts/mobile phones, wireless communication etc. He will also be promoting the safe way forward for this technology which is a positive message.

It’s a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Please encourage MPs, MEPs, the media and decision makers such as planners, council leaders and medical personnel, leading UK campaigners are also welcome to attend.

Dr George Carlo headed up the US phone industry $28 million research programme from 1993 to 1999.

A Resolution will be proposed at the EM Radiation Research Trust Meeting on

22 February 2007 to urgently reopen and update the Stewart Report.

Dr Carlo has also been invited to present at a public meeting in Dublin, sponsored by the Irish Doctors on 23rd February. Salzburg government public health scientist, Dr Oberfeld is also presenting at the Dublin meeting.

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