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Portada del sitio > Estudios Científicos > Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure and Brain Glucose (...)

JAMA, February 23, 2011-Vol 305, No. 8 (Reprinted)

Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure and Brain Glucose Metabolism

Viernes 25 de febrero de 2011 · 1089 lecturas

Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure and Brain Glucose Metabolism
Henry Lai, PhD
Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD

JAMA, February 23, 2011-Vol 305, No. 8 (Reprinted)

Could the findings of Volkow et al be a marker of
other alterations in brain function from radiofrequency
emissions, such as neurotransmitter and neurochemical
activities6? If so, this might have effects on other organs
leading to unwanted physiological responses. Further
studies on biomarkers of functional brain changes from exposure to radiofrequency radiation are definitely

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